Welcome To the concept life

Concept Life is the organization working for “LIFE”. The idea of concept life is arose by the thought that “We are living in World in this advance age, but we not know the Right Concept of living, we not know the Cause and Aim of our Life”, we are suffering many of Physical and Psychological disorders but many of us not know the right treatment for them. We are going to become a Selfish Animal, We forgot that we are Human and We born to develop and promote Humanity. So; To Develop a Human as Real Human, to serve mankind and to promote Health, Concept Life came in existence.

Director's Message

Concept life is my dream which now turning to reality. I want to devote myself and my team members to serve for health and humanism. The ultimate goal of concept life is to provide and build a healthy world in which all humans have feeling of supportiveness for each other. So join us to become a healthy world.

Dr. Shailendra
Director CLPPL
Promoter Mission “ME”

Relieve your pain with

  • cl_meditation
  • cl_yoga
  • cl_music